You Know:
With all DUE respect and human dignity to all participants in this public forum, I have not as of yet resorted to a personalized campaign of mud slinging. Rather, I ATTEMPT to appeal to reason, intelligence and whatever degree of honesty is available, all without malice.
Unfortunately, you may have issues at present with other members of the forum. To my knowledge, I have not been affected by this situation, yet.
My only purpose is to SHARE an alternative, expanded, different viewpoint on religion in general, with accepted western christianity as a primary focus. Since the entire contents of the universe and its knowledge and origins is not 100% understood by ANYONE, then the contents and quality of faith is a valid topic for examination.
In my previous posts, I attempted to deliver to you information that is perhaps far in advance of the WTBS or standing in direct conflict.
That concerns the spiritual detour through any human organization which causes more confusion and allegiance to traditions and men. If Christ came for no other reason, He certainly intended to overturn the works of corrupt men.
You attempted to condescend my honest statements. I will not retaliate, however, you should consider whether or not the entire Greek Scriptures, as a theme, in their contexts, support organized religion or support enlightened humans, growing into father/son relationships with Almighty God Jehovah, through the ransom and mediation of one person only--Christ.
There is no allownace for other than the personal and individual demonstrations of love from one human to another in all of the greek writings. Whether you accept Ray Franz or any other alteranative viewpoint to the WTBS teachings, the fact is MANY other intepretations exist. That is in itself a ROOT problem with religion to begin with.
Can God be worshiped by the individual, without interference? Can a man obey bible principles, and let his example motivate and stimulate others, even strangers? Read the bible accounts for yourself, without WTBS in mind.
Also, what organization existed in Eden? Irregardless of whether you and the purport that Heaven is organized, consider that ONLY humans were supposedly created in God's image. No where does scripture say that about angels.
We were created differently, with a different purpose. Organizing and directing one another was NOT part of that purpose. Simply examine your WTBS teaching about the "final test" and see for yourself. What happens then? When all things are handed back over to JAH, what happens then? Immortality for humans? One on One with JAH again, like Eden?